Dec 2, 2009

I hope God has a sense of humor.

Today I went grocery shopping at Albertson's.  I usually go to Wal-Mart because it's cheaper and closer but it's been such a mess lately with the holidays and plus Albertsons has this lettuce I really like.  I'm halfway done shopping and I go through the greeting card/impulse buy area and there is this little Saints bib that was cute but it looked really big and had a snap instead of velcrow so I put it around Lane's neck to see how big the gap was between her chin and the bib because she gets milk everywhere when she eats.  I'm kind of looking at it deciding and this older black female employee walks up to me and says what are you doing?  At first I didn't even know what she meant but then I realized she must be talking about the bib.  So I smile and politely say I was just trying it on her a second to see if was going to be too big.  She says but you haven't purchased it yet.  I said no I haven't, but I'm not trying to steal it or have her wear it around the store.  She said well this isn't a place where you try before you's a grocery store.  So I smiled and said sarcastically you are absolutely right. I'm sorry.  So I took it off and put it up (when I had intended to buy it).  I walked three steps and then my temper bell when ding! 

So needless to say I blessed her out and told her manager that she was a nasty hateful woman and that I wouldn't buy any of their junk ever again!  And I left my cart there and told her that since she was the grocery store police she could put all my junk back on the shelf. 

Then I went to Wal-Mart.  So I did my food shopping and then I went to the Christmas section and was buying lights and other decorations.  As I was going through my mental checklist about what I need to accomplish today I was thinking.  Bought Christmas stuff...check.  Need to go home and order temple clothes......pause.....not checked.  Then I start busting out laughing.  Bless out perfect stranger, buy Christmas decorations, order temple clothes.   Something is wrong with that sentence.  Then I thought, maybe I should go apologize to her. Then I thought....I aint THAT sorry.  When will I ever learn to turn the other cheek. 


Amelia said...

Seriously! Someone has a "God" complex... She was apparently the one of that store! :) LOL It's okay I think he has a sense of humor! He made baboons! :)

Lexi said...


Sounds like someone does not have the Christmas spirit. :-)

Jenn said...

I'm shocked! We love Albertsons and would much rather go there (and do) than Walmart, but really I would have done the same freaking thing. Only I would have exploded in front of her face and told her I would find her manager! Wow!

BRENTandROBIN + three said...

That's awesome! I'm glad you gave her an ear full cause that's just plain rude what she said. However, I wish it weren't on the same day you were trying to order temple

Glad you're back!

Jessica said...

If it was the Albertson's on Essen/ steal their jelly bellies all the time, so who cares if somebody tests out a bib? It's super gross watching hords of nasty kids stick their dirty swine flu infested fingers in those bins. I got mad (like Alb. worker) at some one time and their trashy mother CHASED ME DOWN in that store! I gave her my two cents and also made sure some one from Albertson's walked out with me...cause those thugs would have hit me in the head with whatever else they stole from that store.
Good for you, even if it wasn't quite as Christlike as you would have liked.